Tea Recipe

BeverageTea Recipewhite chocolate peppermint latte recipe

White Chocolate Peppermint Tea Latte

Learn how to make a white chocolate peppermint tea latte at home with this easy recipe. It tastes like a winter wonderland in a cup!

BeverageTea Recipegingerbread latte made with black tea

Gingerbread Tea Latte

Wrap yourself in comfort and warmth with this gingerbread tea latte. Notes of molasses and zesty ginger for a sweet and spicy indulgence.

SyrupsTea Recipegingerbread syrup for drinks

Gingerbread Syrup

A simple recipe for a gingerbread syrup that tastes so good in everything from gingerbread lattes to a cup of tea and sparkling water.

BeverageTea Recipehow to make fresh ginger tea

Homemade Ginger Tea

Learn how to make homemade ginger tea with fresh ginger root. This easy recipe is nourishing and spicy with a bit of tangy lemon.

BeverageMatchaTea Recipehow to make a maple matcha latte

Maple Matcha Latte

This maple matcha latte recipe uses real maple syrup to naturally sweeten the Japanese green tea and give it a distinctive rich flavour.

BeverageTea Recipedandelion tea latte recipe

Dandelion Root Tea Latte

This recipe for Dandelion Root Tea Latte is a coffee substitute with added health benefits. It is rich, earthy, smooth and creamy.

BeverageTea Recipeapple butterfly pea flower tea mocktail

Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Mocktail

This butterfly pea flower tea mocktail is made with apple juice, syrup and sparkling water to create an eye-catching layered drink.