If you have been a subscriber of this blog for a while you might be familiar with the tea themed year calendar I send out every year. I love designing that printable and highlighting fun tea dates so that fellow tea lovers can stay in the loop as the new year goes on. Originally, I started that small year calendar from the idea I had years ago to create a tea lovers calendar. I love wall calendars and usually will find some with tea related photos to display every month of the year. This time around I’m doing something different! I’m excited to announce the launch of my very own Tea Lovers Calendar that is filled with beautiful tea photos and so much more.
With a quick look at my Instagram account, it’s no secret that I love taking photos of tea. It’s my favourite medium. I’ve always dreamed of what the perfect tea lovers calendar would be like and after taking photos of tea for many years, I decided to create my own. Tea is a daily routine for tea lovers. My intention with this 12 month wall calendar is to help tea drinkers start every day of 2020 with a cup of tea!
Reasons Why I Love Wall Calendars:
– Calendars are a gift to yourself or others (it’s a gift that lasts all year long!)
– They can help you stay organized whether it’s for personal or work related activities
– Wall calendars are often a piece of art for your office, tea room or home!
This 2020 Tea Lovers Calendar checks off all three reasons above. Each month there is a new tea related photo that I took throughout the year. You’ll find photos of teacups, gaiwans, tea leaves and more.
But what makes this calendar different from any other? Good question!
National Tea Dates
With this calendar, you’ll be aware of public holidays like New Years Day, Canada Day & Independence Day. What’s even better though is that tea lovers will always be in the know of national tea dates as this calendar highlights a bunch, such as:
– Hot Tea Day
– Tea Day (UK)
– Iced Tea Day
– Chai Day
– International Tea Day & more!
Tea Suggestions/Prompts
To make this calendar even more unique, each month you’ll find at least 1-2 tea related suggestions/prompts to encourage more tea breaks in your life! These prompts vary and are scattered on random dates throughout the year. My intention with this is to help tea lovers spend more time with their kettles and/or loved ones over tea to make 2020 the best year yet.
Here are some tea prompt examples you’ll find in your calendar:
– Invite someone over for tea today!
– Steep a white tea today!
– Try a new tea today!
Ordering Your 2020 Tea Lovers Calendar
Join me in making 2020 a tea-filled year with this calendar. You can officially order yourself a 2020 Tea Lovers Calendar through the button link below. It will redirect you to Lulu.com. This is a print-on-demand company that will be taking care of printing and shipping worldwide. After you place an order, it will be printed within 3-5 business days.
Snap a photo of the calendar up in your office, tea room or home when you receive it and tag me on social media! I would love to also see photos of you enjoying tea on a day that has a suggestion/prompt 😉 #TeaLoversCalendar
I can’t wait to use this calendar next year and I can’t wait to see others use it every month as well.
2020 Tea Lovers Calendar Details:
– Coil Binding, Full Colour, Gloss Finish and High Quality Thick Paper (270 gsm)
– Size: 11″ by 8.5″
– Length: 12 months January 2020-December 2020
– Prints in 3-5 business days when ordered
If you have any questions about the 2020 Tea Lovers Calendar or plan to order one, let me know in the comments below!
Thank you…have been searching for tea calenders. this is perfect
You’re welcome Michael! So glad you think so 🙂 I hope you enjoy it all year.
– Lu Ann
Link is not working
Hi Michelle, You can find the 2021 Tea Lovers Calendar at this link: https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/lu-ann-pannunzio/2021-tea-lovers-calendar/paperback/product-vqegmz.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Let me know if it doesn’t work! Thank you 🙂