A Cup of Zen: Matthew Johnson

A Cup of Zen is a series that began on the blog September 2014. The
following is
The Cup of Life’s seventh post for the series featuring a reader, Matthew Johnson.  For more information and to be
please visit its page.
Working night shifts in a factory, I find it difficult to get a decent sleep during the day. From the time I get home to the time I have to get to bed I usually have about one hour. It’s probably the one hour of my day I dread the most. It feels so quick, so jumpy and just not long enough. I was a major coffee drinker and I realized I had to switch my beverage of choice so it could suit my new night owl lifestyle now. Drinking coffee just wasn’t a smart choice after I got home from work and had to hit the sack. 
Being a manly man (or so I like to think), I was a bit skeptical in giving tea a try at first. I feel it has always had “it’s only for girls” label growing up in my household and that is what steered me away. I started with the typical orange pekoe from Tetley and wasn’t too much of a fan. I found it to be too light and no flavor at all. When I was introduced to loose leaf tea, that’s where I realized I have been missing out on something for far too long. With more flavor and a much stronger brew, tea in loose leaf form instantly became my new favorite. While I liked my tea strong probably because of my coffee acquired taste, I didn’t find that tea affected me nearly as much as coffee did when I would have a cup before bed. Of course, I could have went for the typical herbal tea route but I am not into the herb and flower flavors. 
Nowadays, I find the last hour I come home and have to go to bed for my next night shift my favorite time of the day. When the nights at work feel long, I look forward to this hour the most. In the short period of time, I have noticed that unlike the coffee, the tea has me more relaxed and not just from drinking it. I think this benefit is also evident when I am preparing the tea too. I no longer have to just flick a switch on a machine and wait for something to brew. I am really enjoying the process of making tea.
From The Cup of Life, I noticed there is such thing as “coffee leaf tea” which is quite intriguing for a ex-coffee lover like myself. I think that may have to be my next investment!
*You’re turn! Submit your #ACupofZen tea moment to me for a chance to be featured just like this next month! 

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