How to Tea: Tisanes AKA “Herbal Teas”

What you typically might refer to as “herbal tea” is more correctly called an “herbal infusion” and  specifically called a “tisane” (pronounced tea-zahn). This is because the term “tea” should not be mentioned at all as it is not actually a true tea. True tea consists of processed leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant. While tisanes are
prepared in the process like teas, they actually do not contain any tea leaves. A tisane is usually anything from dried fruits, flowers, herbs, mint, spices, roots, berries and seeds. However, don’t let this steer you away from tisanes. Similar to teas, many are high in antioxidants and nutrients, while others are typically consumed for
simple enjoyment.

Come back soon for another “How to Tea” tip. If you have any tea
related questions that you would like covered, please leave it in the
comment below so I can get to it on a future post!

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