Yi Bang – Jalam Teas

“JalamTeas concentrates on Yunnan’s teas, with an emphasis on the
heralded Puerhs. From years of sourcing, writing and sipping the teas
from southern Yunnan, they have selected teas based on taste,
production, history and geography. They select teas that are not only
‘originals’, but also teas that are rarely, if ever, available to
palates beyond Asia. Teas that are classics in their own rights with
their own stories.”
heralded Puerhs. From years of sourcing, writing and sipping the teas
from southern Yunnan, they have selected teas based on taste,
production, history and geography. They select teas that are not only
‘originals’, but also teas that are rarely, if ever, available to
palates beyond Asia. Teas that are classics in their own rights with
their own stories.”
Ingredients: Cooked green unfermented Yi Bang Puerh
Steep Time: 5 minutes
First Sip Thought:“Noticed! It’s needed!”
Smell: I was at lost for words when trying to describe this tea’s scent. The strength of the smell was fair, and a bit grainy.
Taste: Harvested in Autumn 2013, this is my second Puerh cake from Jalam Teas. To explain my first sip thought: “Yi Bang is a town that has been producing superb ‘off the grid’ Puerhs for centuries. Set in lush humid zones, with nearby remnants of the ancient tea routes hidden within the forests, Yi Bang Puerhs have gone largely unnoticed in the world tea.” I found this tea to be rather mellow and balanced quite well. The after steep colour was a very dark bronze shade and the liquid darken rather quick. I would recommend this tea be given a chance beyond the first infusion. After my third infusion, I felt the tastes were getting stronger and still remaining smooth. Yi Bang can be enjoyed hot or cold. Jalam Teas expresses that if one needs to consume a tea before sleeping, this might be the tea to serve.

Verdict: 4 out of 5 tea leaves
Side note: If this is your first tea cake, here is a step-by-step guide on how to break and prepare a tea cake.
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