grown. Teatulia organic teas reflect the pristine and delicate
environment from which they hail. The Teatulia Organic Tea Garden sprang
forth from virgin land nestled against the Himalayas to the North and
the Brahmaputra and Ganges Rivers to the South. Into this perfect
tea-growing land, we introduced strong, vibrant saplings, which were
planted with care in the new millennium. Since then, the tea plants have
been encouraged and nurtured by Mother Nature’s own hand. The result:
exquisite, organic teas unlike any you’ve experienced before. Fresh.
Clean. Smooth.“
Ingredients: 100% Organic Lemongrass Herbal Infusion Tea
Steep Time: 3 minutes
First Sip Thought: “Not what I was expecting!”
Smell: I don’t know what I was thinking when I first opened the package, but I just didn’t think it’d have a great scent – or at least strong enough to smell in other rooms. To my surprise, even with the pale greenish-yellow liquid after steeping, the herbal infusion still gave off a strong lemon aroma throughout the room. Not my favourite smell, but I do believe it made my kitchen smell freshly clean! (I’ve read some other reviews stating it reminds them of Lemon Pledge)
Taste: As an herbal infusion, this is a blend I had a hard time trying to review based on the taste. Mainly because I would say this is definitely one you should not just read reviews to make up your decision on trying it or not. It’s very different from other reviews I have done. I was surprised that there was absolutely no bitter taste – it was actually quite smooth. I wish I have tried a lemongrass before to compare but so far Teatulia’s is on my list of more to purchase!

**If you or someone you know would like a tea reviewed, contact me.