an intro to The Healing Cup tea with Nandi

 The Healing Cup Online Herbal Tea Shop
Tell me a little bit about the history of your company, The Healing Cup. What/who inspired you to create it?
The Healing Cup is an online tea shop that sells hand-blended teas inspired by nature. The idea for The Healing Cup came to be about 1.5 years ago while I started studying herbalism. I’ve always been a lover of tea, and one day the idea came to me to combine my knowledge for herbs with my passion for tea in hopes of inspiring others to take a more natural and creative approach to their health.

How & when did you first notice your love for tea?
I’d say that I first noticed my love for tea in high school. Every morning, I’d start off the day asking my family if they’d like a cup of tea, and would happily pour cups for everyone. To me, tea was an escape from the stressful world we all find ourselves in at one point or another in our lives. After realizing and learning to appreciate the happiness and relaxation I’d always receive from tea, I made it my mission to share those feelings with others. I guess you could say a little “The Healing Cup” seed was planted at that moment! Oh, and I’m still pouring morning cups to this day!

What makes The Healing Cup different from other tea companies out there already?
As I mentioned before, The Healing Cup’s teas are all hand-blended. I’ve done endless research on herbs, their health benefits, and how they work together. Each blend has a name that represents an aspect of nature. This was done to remind fellow tea lovers that there is an unbreakable bond between us as humans, and nature. The Healing Cup has a special emphasis on what I like to call “healing time”, which is simply taking a moment out of your busy schedule to sit back, relax, and heal yourself from all of the pressure you find yourself under. A lot of times we forget to do this, or feel as though we can’t find the time for it, leading to many stress-related health issues.

Any last words you would like to say about your life and/or tea?

Tea has been, and always will be, a great part of my life. A cup of tea is so magical that it can bring people together while simultaneously bringing you closer to yourself and the Earth. It is my dream to reach tea lovers from around the world and touching them simply by offering them a healing cup.

*Be sure to check back this Saturday for a great, huge giveaway we will be having featuring one of The Healing Cup’s blend!

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