tea recipe; milk tea boba

I found this recipe and just had to share. Click on the above photo to go to the link for more information about it and where it originally came from. I’m pretty picky when it comes to tapioca but I was surprised with this recipe. Refreshing beverage during these muggy summer days. Sit back and relax while indulging in a creative tapioca drink. 

1 tsp black tea
8 oz water, boiling
sugar (optional)
1/4 cup boba (pearl tapioca), cooked per package instructions
milk (optional)


1. Steep the tea leaves in a cup of boiling water to desired strength. 
2. Remove the tea leaves and if you want your tea sweetened, add sugar to taste. 
3. Let the tea cool. 
4. Place the boba in a large glass filled with ice. 
5. Pour the tea over the ice and top with milk if you wish.

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